
(2025). Chaotic Behavior of Trapped Cosmic Rays. submitted to Astrophysical Journal.
(2024). Search for Joint Multimessenger Signals from Potential Galactic Cosmic-Ray Accelerators with HAWC and IceCube. Astrophysical Journal.
(2024). Search for Galactic Core-collapse Supernovae in a Decade of Data Taken with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Astrophysical Journal.
(2024). Observation of Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy in the Southern Hemisphere with Twelve Years of Data Collected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. accepted for publication by Astrophysical Journal.
(2024). Estimating the potential of SWGO to measure the composition-dependent behaviour of the CR anisotropy. Proceedings of Science.
(2024). Atmospheric muons and their variations with temperature. Astroparticle Physics.
(2023). Using TeV Cosmic Rays to probe the Heliosphere's Boundary with the Local Interstellar Medium. Bulletin of the AAS.
(2023). Search for sub-TeV Neutrino Emission from Novae with IceCube-DeepCore. Astrophysical Journal.
(2023). IceCube Search for Neutrinos Coincident with Gravitational Wave Events from LIGO/Virgo Run O3. Astrophysical Journal.
(2022). Using magnetic ray tracing to reproduce the Sun's cosmic-ray shadow as seen by IceCube. Proceedings of Science.