Using TeV Cosmic Rays to probe the Heliosphere's Boundary with the Local Interstellar Medium

Jul 1, 2023·
Paolo Desiati
Juan Carlos Díaz-Vélez
Gwenael Giacinti
Francesco Longo
Elena Orlando
Nikolai Pogorelov
Zhang Ming
· 0 min read
Image credit: Scientific American
The heliosphere is the magnetic structure formed by the Sun’s atmosphere extending into the local interstellar medium (ISM). The heliopause, the boundary separating the heliosphere from the ISM, is a still largely unexplored region of space. Even though Voyager spacecraft officially entered the local ISM in 2012 (V1) and 2018 (V2) and are delivering data on the outer space environment, they are just two points piercing a vast region of space at specific times. The heliospheric boundary regulates the penetration of MeV-GeV galactic cosmic rays (CR) into the inner heliosphere, where the solar system is located. Interstellar keV neutral atoms are crucial to the outer heliosphere since they can penetrate unperturbed and transfer energy into the solar wind. Missions such as NASA’s Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) and Cassini are designed to detect such neutral atoms and monitor charge exchange processes occurring at the heliospheric boundary. The heliosphere does not modulate the intensity of TeV CR particles coming from the ISM, but it does influence their arrival direction distribution. Ground-based CR observatories have provided statistically accurate maps of CR anisotropy as a function of energy over the last couple of decades. Combining such observations to produce all-sky coverage, makes it possible to investigate the impact that the heliosphere has on TeV CR particles. We can numerically calculate the pristine TeV CR pitch angle distribution in the local ISM using state-of-the art models of the heliosphere. Only with the heliospheric influence subtracted, it is possible to use TeV CR observations to infer propagation properties and the characteristics of magnetic turbulence in the ISM. Numerical calculations of CR particle trajectories through heliospheric models, therefore, provide a complementary tool to probe into the global properties of the boundary region, such as its size, length and the scale of local interstellar magnetic field draping around the heliosphere. A program boosting heliospheric modeling with emphasis on the boundary region, and promoting combined CR experimental data analyses from multiple ground-based experiments, will benefit CR astrophysics and, by reverse, will provide additional data and complementary tools to explore the interaction between the heliosphere and the local ISM.
Whitepaper for the Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) 2024-2033