CREW-HaT stands for Cosmic Radiation Extended Warding using the Halbach Torus. NIAC Phase I 2022 The CREW-HaT project was awarded the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts - NIAC Phase I award in 2022. The 21st century will be when human space exploration gets off the ground. NASA’s priority is to send humans back to the Moon in the next decade with the Artemis mission and travel to Mars in the following decade. In parallel, SpaceX and Blue Origin companies are developing the technology to make human access to space routine. However, achieving this goal is only possible if we can protect the humans we send to space from the damaging effects of cosmic rays and energetic solar radiation. The health risks to astronauts associated with chronic exposure to radiation in space include carcinogenesis, cardiovascular damage, and degradation of the central nervous system. Since the Earth’s magnetic field is responsible for protecting us on Earth’s surface, a logical solution to the problem would be to have a spacecraft bring along its equivalent magnetic field. Here, we propose CREW HaT, a new concept for a Halbach Torus (HaT), which consists of light, deployable, mechanically supported magnetic coils activated by a new generation of high-temperature superconducting tapes that have recently become available. This configuration produces an enhanced external magnetic field that diverts cosmic radiation particles, complemented by a suppressed magnetic field in the astronaut’s habitat. The Halbach torus geometry has never been explored in this context or studied in combination with modern superconductive tapes. It diverts over 50% of the biology-damaging cosmic rays (protons below 1 GeV) and higher energy high-Z ions. This is sufficient to reduce the radiation dose absorbed by astronauts to a level of <5% of the lifetime excess risk of cancer mortality levels established by NASA. Paper The concept was presented at the 51st International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) in Saint Paul, MN, in July 2022. Innovation NASA has announced future human space expeditions (the Artemis mission in the next decade and the Mars mission within the next decade). These expeditions will only be possible if we efficiently mitigate the effects of harmful cosmic radiation on astronauts. Using a lightweight and non-cost-prohibitive structure, one feasible solution is to surround the spacecraft with protective magnetic fields that divert cosmic radiation. The CREW HaT consists of a Halbach Torus (HaT), a novel arrangement comprising spatially rotating coils around the spacecraft. This configuration produces an enhanced external magnetic field (open magnetic field) to divert cosmic radiation particles, complemented by a reduced magnetic field in the astronauts’ habitat. CREW HaT is likely to be the most feasible solution for active shielding, which this proposal intends to demonstrate. The CREW HaT is a deployable device integrated with the spacecraft. It unfolds and generates a magnetic field that deflects cosmic radiation from solar wind particles and galactic cosmic rays. Recent innovations in high-temperature superconductors (e.g., ReBCO) enable the necessary high currents. Our innovation benefited from the support provided to us by the UW-Madison’s Discovery to Product. Potential & Benefits The CREW-HaT is superior to the existing benchmark active shielding technology previously proposed (MAARSS Soleinoidal Coil system by Westover et al., NIAC 2012). It dramatically reduces the health risk for astronauts because: It diverts over 50% of the biology-damaging cosmic rays (protons below 1 GeV) and higher energy high-Z ions. This is sufficient to reduce the radiation dose absorbed by astronauts to a level of <5% of the lifetime excess risk of cancer mortality levels established by NASA. It has an over 80% smaller support structure volume, thus reducing secondary radiation, X-rays, gamma-rays, and neutrons produced by cosmic rays impacting spacecraft. Previous magnetic topologies (e.g., the MAARSS system) did not fully address this problem. It suppresses the magnetic field in the astronauts’ habitat without the need for an additional compensation coil. This increases crew safety and prolongs the lifetime of the instrumentation without increasing weight and power consumption. This innovative concept provides the aerospace community with a solution to protect humans and instrumentation on satellites exposed to space radiation from catastrophic solar flares and cosmic ray particles. It can protect any spacecraft or surface installation on, for example, the Moon while making it possible for long-duration space trips to Mars.
Feb 1, 2025
CREW-HaT is a lightweight, deployable magnetic shielding system using a Halbach Torus and high-temperature superconductors to protect astronauts from space radiation.
Jan 1, 2022